Who you callin crazy?!?!?
As I grow older, things that didn't make sense to me, are now becoming crystal clear. Life has a way of making you question everything you have ever known. It has a way of making you want to do things you have never done, be it good or bad...life really is a bitch sometimes...or is it?
How many times have you seen or heard of someone doing something and you just wrote them off ass crazy? I know I have done it on several occasions. We just automatically assume that because they did something that was deemed as "crazy" that they are just fucked up ass individuals. Have you ever really stopped to think that maybe that person was REALLY going through something and was reaching out for help, but no one heard their cries? Now don't get me wrong, there are some legitimately crazy ass people out here, but I aint talking about them. I am talking about the ones that lived a normal life, until a series of events just pushed them over the edge. Life and life experiences can mold a person and make them into something they wouldn't ordinarily be.
I would always hear about men just getting up one day and walking away from their families and never looking back. That kind of shit would have me thinking he was a real loser, that was until I started going through some shit myself. When I went through my divorce, all the things that I didn't understand about what can go through a mans mind and make him leave all his shit, his life, his home, family and cars went through my mind. You can only be pushed or taunted for so long before it gets the best of you (destruction of family). We see all the time about people robbing banks and we think "oh, that dude was trippin...". Well let me ask you this, have you ever been hungry? I don't mean, you just can't figure out what to eat, I mean there aint shit in the house to eat kinda hungry and to boot, you have no money. Have you ever been to the welfare office to apply for food stamps and been rejected because your wife who makes very little money and you make no money don't qualify for food stamps because you make TOO MUCH money (destruction of resources)? That is the kind of shit that will make a normal person snap if you pile that on to all the other rejections and problems he or she has had (destruction of spirit). We are so quick to assume that a person has just snapped with out looking at their lives as a whole (destruction of credibility).
As a general rule, people don't just go crazy. It usually takes a series of events to push them to a point to where they feel as though they have no other choice. This type of emotional breakdown takes months or even years to create and it can go on for generations. Most people are lucky because something or someone positive comes along and derails that runaway train they call a life before it smacks into that unaware city. Most of us have been in this position at one point or another and for those who have not, it is quite scary. The most dangerous people are the ones that feel trapped. I thank God daily for giving me the presence of mind to not allow my current situation to destroy my future, because it is very easy to do. So, the next time you hear of a person flipping out and hurting a bunch of people or robbing a bank or leaving their families or committing suicide, etc. don't just write them off, because you never really know what got them to that very low point. As my all time favorite comedian Dave Chappelle said "the worst thing to call somebody is crazy, it's dismissive...".
In the clip below, Dave Chappelle is talking about Hollywood and Martin Lawrence's breakdown. Once you are done watching the clip, take the Hollywood and celebrity aspect out and think of our world and the things we go through. Everything is over priced, out of reach and continuing to get worse. Kids seem to be going out of control. Everything requires a pill to heal it. Food is contaminated and altered...racism, sexism, classism. Think of all the fear that is instilled in each of us daily through the media and other outlets and then tell me that seemingly ordinary people are not being pushed into lunacy. If you have never really been through a serious financial, emotional or social crisis, things that you see and hear in the paper or on the news may seem like a foreign concept to you, but believe me they are real and we are the targets. There is a conspiracy going on and we are the lab rats...open your eyes folks because we are under attack.
How many times have you seen or heard of someone doing something and you just wrote them off ass crazy? I know I have done it on several occasions. We just automatically assume that because they did something that was deemed as "crazy" that they are just fucked up ass individuals. Have you ever really stopped to think that maybe that person was REALLY going through something and was reaching out for help, but no one heard their cries? Now don't get me wrong, there are some legitimately crazy ass people out here, but I aint talking about them. I am talking about the ones that lived a normal life, until a series of events just pushed them over the edge. Life and life experiences can mold a person and make them into something they wouldn't ordinarily be.

In the clip below, Dave Chappelle is talking about Hollywood and Martin Lawrence's breakdown. Once you are done watching the clip, take the Hollywood and celebrity aspect out and think of our world and the things we go through. Everything is over priced, out of reach and continuing to get worse. Kids seem to be going out of control. Everything requires a pill to heal it. Food is contaminated and altered...racism, sexism, classism. Think of all the fear that is instilled in each of us daily through the media and other outlets and then tell me that seemingly ordinary people are not being pushed into lunacy. If you have never really been through a serious financial, emotional or social crisis, things that you see and hear in the paper or on the news may seem like a foreign concept to you, but believe me they are real and we are the targets. There is a conspiracy going on and we are the lab rats...open your eyes folks because we are under attack.
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