Break The Chains!!

Have you ever felt as though you want a different life? Do you feel like the one you are living lacks meaning? When you get up and just "go through the motions" there is something seriously missing from your world. Most of us rarely get up and want to have the day we are destined to have. If you think about it, our days don't belong to us. They belong to school, traffic, bosses, co-workers, debt collectors and so forth. We rush through each and every day without batting an eye and then wonder where the time went. Years pass by like months and weeks like days. That my friend is not "living" that is merely existing. The sad thing is, we are programmed like this from an early age so to most of us, this is just "life". 

Why should we have to wait until we are old and retired to begin to enjoy life? And how many people do you know that have died shortly after they retired? So who did they "live" for? Waiting to retire to enjoy life is like telling a small child not to play with their toys until after they graduate college. If you have children, would you encourage them to do that? If not, then why do we keep training our children to be free slaves? They learn more from us by what they see us do than by what they hear us say. Why is it that out of 365 days a year, most people are only allowed to take (at best) three weeks vacation? That means the other 49 weeks of the year belong to a company whose owner is probably vacationing right now. 

We have been led down a dead end street and we are taking our children right along with us to create another stuck generation. Something has to change, because tomorrow is not promised to you and that really sucks because your today probably belongs to someone else. Break the chains.


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