My Open Letter to Racist White America

For those of you that have taken the time to read this, I thank you, because what I am about to say is my honest opinion of racism and this country and how it needs to change. I know some of you will staunchly disagree, but for those of you that are true allies in the struggle and stand firm in your support of oppressed people and want legitimate change, you will see clearly what I am talking about. Feel free to share it with anyone who needs it.
Dear Racist White America,
Donald J. Trump is everything we have been telling you is wrong with this country since it's inception. Black folks have recognized this as a serious issue for centuries, but we were simply dismissed as whiners. I honestly believe the only reason you are offended by him at all, is his uncanny knack of hanging out all your dirty laundry for the entire world to see. You also fear your interests will be next on his chopping block because he only cares about his family and his wealthy friends. We all know, it's all good until the reaper comes to darken your doorstep. We don't feel sorry for you. Let me be clear, every lie, every dumb tweet, every offensive comment, every misogynistic action, every racist response, every insensitive moment, every separatist act, every single thing he has done and will do before he leaves the white house is a big orange, ugly, urine colored hair "I told you so." The worst thing is, he isn't the only one and him being elected to the highest office in the land has scratched the proverbial scab off the festering bigot wound.
There are so many racists in this country and 45 has empowered each of them to climb from underneath their rock to spew their ignorance to all that will listen (or not). These same folks go out of their way to blame Mexicans, Muslims, LGBTQ's, women, blacks, immigrants or anyone else that doesn't look like them for everything that's wrong in the good ole US of A. Let me just say again for the sake of clarity...WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM!! The real problematic people in this country (and the world for that matter) are the OLD WHITE MEN and the young ones who think dad and grandpa are right!! Let us also not forget the white women who support these ignorant males. Everyone else is just a side note. If you don't think it's them, just read your HIStory books. Look at the photos in any government building. Ask any underdeveloped country. The faces are all basically the same, the years and locations are just different.
Let's be frank. The fact that a black man ran this country pretty damn well, scandal-free for 8 years has driven some of you good ole Christian white folks to the brink of insanity. You all never expected him to win. I can't imagine the bets that went on in households, on jobs, even in churches across this country after he was elected the first time on how he would be assassinated or how many baby mommas would emerge. It never happened. Then when he was elected the second time, it was a psychological and emotional wrap for racists. What would be next, a black Pope? After his second win, there was no way another (so-called) minority was going to get in The White House, so Hillary never really stood a chance. It didn't even matter that she was a white woman. See, one of the biggest issues with white men is they believe they are superior to all as well as the saviors of all mankind. Don't believe me, pick up a magazine, look at Hollywood or Jesus for that matter. Their fragile ego needs to feel like no one can do anything without them. This is just not a fact. The building of this country is actual proof of that. Physical labor is what actually gets things done in case you didn't know. Let me give you a simple example. You can build a house and live in it without a blueprint, but let me see you try and live in a blueprint of a house. Get it?
See people who are the inferior ones will go to great lengths to sabotage stuff to make their enemies look bad. They have no qualms about lying, destroying and even killing. This is a feeble attempt to make themselves look better. That's how abusive relationships work. Ask any woman (or man for that matter) about the personality of their abuser. The weak always prey on the strong in an attempt to break them, not the other way around. It's that looming air of fear and insecurity that fuels their desire to inflict as much pain on those they truly fear for as long as they can. White men are very good at this. However, the real question remains, how long will it last? Let's look at the best, clearest and most recent incident of racist white male fragility. The election of Donald J. Trump.
The fact that a person like Trump so easily became president after a black man, gives you a birdseye view of how white men will work together if they feel that their interests will be met. Anytime this happens, you can bet they will systematically work to destroy all that black men have stood for and stand for. If we fix it, they will break it. If we create it, they will claim it. If we build it, they will burn it down. Trump's number one goal since he has been in office is to not make America great again (America had to be great for all in the first place for that to happen), he wants to be the one to go down in history as the white man who dismantled that "nigger's" legacy. That is old racist white man gold right there. To destroy what the most powerful black man in modern times built is something most white men have been having wet dreams about for 8 years. Not Chump though, because he no longer has to dream. He and his henchmen are working tirelessly every day to destroy this black man's legacy at all costs. How many executive orders has he signed now? All he wants to do is undo all of President Obama's work and it doesn't matter if it means this country will perish and some folks have to die in the process...i.e. the destruction of Obamacare.
This type behavior is a true sickness and has plagued not only this country but the entire world. Everyplace they go, they bring death, disease, and destruction, but are dumb enough to think no one knows it's them. It's kind of like playing peek-a-boo with a baby. They think because they hide their eyes, they are invisible to anyone looking. That's cute when you are 7 months old, but when you are 70, that shit is just sheer stupidity. The trail of blood and tears they leave behind is unmatched anywhere on the globe and they will not stop.
I always hear people talking about what it will take to positively change this world? To me, their answers are generally lackluster at best. In my opinion, we need to completely destroy The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, both political parties, religion, the banking systems, the educational system, and corporate America to start. The next step would be to get rid of old racist white men in power along with their son's and grandson's that share that same ideology. For change to be implemented, we MUST start from scratch. All of our current systems need to be re-created in a more inclusive manner. Our America should reflect all those who reside here. All laws and policies should have expiration dates and be re-written to meet the needs of whatever the current climate of the country is at the period. All government officials should have term limits like the president. If we do not do all these things, it will always be business as usual.
Look, I don't want racist white folks to die or anything like that. As a matter of fact, I would prefer they live so that they can see what OUR America and the world SHOULD be like to live in. You know, a world without systemic racism and all it's by-products. Would life be perfect, of course not, but it would definitely be better than it is now. Up to this point, it has been the same hateful song, performed by the same psychotic group of people for centuries on top of centuries. The reason this multi-ethnic, multi-generational, multi-continent bullying has lasted for so long is that most people on earth are generally peaceful. Just think of how quickly things would change if we all responded to them in the same manner as they have treated us. They can't even handle us marching and kneeling peacefully, so I know they couldn't handle real retaliation.
Even though I don't wish death on them, please understand, you reap what you sow. You had to know when you were repeatedly committing heinous crimes against ALL of humanity, that the chickens would eventually come home to roost. Remember, karma will not allow you to just go through life destroying, without eventually being destroyed yourself.
Every Other Group On Earth
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